About Us

Principals Ann Noble Shephard and Bill Wickham founded IvyPartners after completing a record-setting fraternity campaign at their alma mater – Cornell University where the ivy in the “Ivy League” is grown! As volunteers, Ann and Bill touched every facet of the project from data management, volunteer coordination to making important asks.  Fun became business, and 25 years later, Greek capital campaigns are still their specialty. But the pair’s collective skills in marketing, training, and management have helped a variety of nonprofits achieve their vision.

Ann has agency and in-house public relations and advertising experience.  She served as an instructor for undergraduate communications majors at Michigan State University and was an on-air news personality at Upstate NY television and radio news outlets. In addition to IvyPartners, Bill Wickham delivers up farm fresh family fun at Wickham Farms of Penfield, NY. This working farm features a market, CSA and ag related activities that draw customers of all ages from the greater Rochester-area. Bill is a long-time fraternity and YMCA volunteer.